Refreshed and Delivered

Blessed be the Lord, who has delivered you. Exodus 18:10

As summer draws to an end, it can leave you feeling an array of emotions. The first might be happiness as routines will soon return and life will feel slightly more organized. Refreshing, might even be the word to describe the beginning of fall. Through each season, the level of busyness might ebb and flow, but there is one thing that remains the same. Whether the sun is shining, or storms are brewing, there is one Truth we can hold firm to. The Lord is in control. “Blessed be the Lord, who has delivered you” (Exodus 18:10). Through every high and low, from the days that feel too good to be true to the days you feel so far from in control, He is there. He is always there. The Lord sees his people, he hears them, and he cares for them. Psalms 34:4 says, “I sought the Lord and He answered me. He delivered me from all my fears”. Our God is a God of deliverance. Through every season of life, He is with his children. He loves us as we are and never leaves us. So today, feel refreshed knowing fall is here, routines are back, and the Lord never left.

  1. Reagan Cleveland says:

    love this 🤍🤍 such a good reminder

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