“I will take hold of your hand.” Isaiah 42:6
Cries can be heard from the hall as a newborn is adjusting to life outside the womb. The pacifier isn’t doing the trick, but as soon as the little baby hears her fathers familiar voice, her cries start to hush. As he brushes his hand across her forehead he whispers, “It’s okay, daddy is right here.” This is the perfect example of how our Heavenly Father hears our every cry, and longs to comfort his children. When we are anxious or afraid, God is with us. When we feel the weight of the world on us, God is with us. When we are scared to step into the unknown, God is with us. The creator of the universe knows our every thought and sees our every tear. Psalm 56:8-9 says “You keep track of all my sorrows, you have collected all my tears in your bottle, you have recorded each one in your book. My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know, God is on my side!” Wherever you are in this life, be encouraged that He is always with you. We never have to feel alone. The God of the universe loves us and chooses us just as we are. Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Just as the new father soothes the cries of his newborn baby, so much more does Jesus meet every one of our needs as he takes hold of our hand and tells us, “It’s okay, your Father is right here.”
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